- Default config
- Load images dynamically
- Get main color
- Get Gradient
- Lazy-reveal
- Display on event
- Manipulates color
It happens that this page needs a refresh in order to get the colorify.js script working.
There is a lot of images to process on this demo page, and sometimes, the script cannot perform the operations as fast as an image processing on a server would do.
<div colorify>
<img src="images/demo/image2.jpg" alt="An image">
<img src="images/demo/image3.jpg" alt="An other image">
<img src="images/demo/miaou.jpg" alt="An other image">
id: 1,
container: 'colorify',
images: false,
accuracy: 100,
gradient: false,
gradientDirection: false,
padding: 4,
lazyReveal: false,
give: false,
revealOn: false

Load Images Dynamically
<div colorify-dynamic>
id: 2,
container: 'colorify-dynamic',
images: [
accuracy: 100,
gradient: false,
gradientDirection: false,
padding: 4,
lazyReveal: false,
give: false,
revealOn: false
Lazy Reveal
<div colorify-reveal>
<img src="images/demo/image2.jpg" alt="">
<img src="images/demo/image3.jpg" alt="">
<img src="images/demo/miaou.jpg" alt="">
id: 3,
images: false,
container: 'colorify-reveal',
lazyReveal: {
transition: 2, // The transition occurs for 2 seconds
delay: 1
accuracy: 100,
gradient: false,
padding: 10

Display on Event
<a href="javascript:void(0)" class="btn" id="demoEvent">Click me
<div colorify-display>
<img src="images/demo/image2.jpg" alt="">
<img src="images/demo/image3.jpg" alt="">
<img src="images/demo/miaou.jpg" alt="">
id: 4,
images: false,
container: 'colorify-display',
lazyReveal: false,
accuracy: 100,
gradient: false,
padding: 6,
revealOn: {
event: 'click',
trigger: '#demoEvent'
Manipulates color
As target
you can use : a Class, an ID, All occurences (*), [attribute].
You can aslo use these two keywords : parent
& children
<div colorify-manipulate>
<h3 class=".demo-title">A title</h3>
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Dicta itaque facere repellat cupiditate sed expedita eaque porro at voluptates, nostrum enim, voluptatibus, dignissimos magnam quo nobis ullam a molestiae? Et.</p>
<img src="images/demo/test.png" colorify-manipulate/>
id: 5,
container: 'colorify-manipulate',
lazyReveal: false,
accuracy: 100,
gradient: false,
padding: 4,
revealOn: false,
give: {
property: 'color',
target: '.demo-title'
A title
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Dicta itaque facere repellat cupiditate sed expedita eaque porro at voluptates, nostrum enim, voluptatibus, dignissimos magnam quo nobis ullam a molestiae? Et.

Get Color / Get Gradient
<div colorify-get-color>
<img src="images/demo/deer.jpeg">
id: 6,
container: 'colorify-get-color',
lazyReveal: false,
accuracy: 100,
gradient: false,
padding: 4

<div colorify-get-gradient>
<img src="images/demo/deer.jpeg">
id: 7,
container: 'colorify-get-gradient',
lazyReveal: false,
accuracy: 100,
gradient: true,
padding: 4